
What Our Volunteers Have To Say
Stacey Everson
I wanted to join the CASA family to have the opportunity to be the voice for a child who did not have one, to be someone they could depend on to keep a promise, to be the one that brightens their day and to give them hope that they are loved, to know someone is looking out for them and to make them smile when all seems impossible. I really just want to make a difference one child and one family at a time.
Laura Kennedy Thompson
I felt drawn to become a CASA for many reasons. The biggest reason is to be a voice for a child during a very hard time in their life. To let them know that they matter, they will be heard and I will always be there for them. I know I can’t fix all the problems of the world but I can definitely help a child to get the extra support they need. And make sure they are getting all the care they need to thrive and feel safe. Making a difference in the life of a child has truly been one of my greatest blessings.
Meghan Seklecki Fincher
I became a Casa to help the Children during a very difficult time in there life. I want to be the hope, the light, the constant in there lives. I want them to know that people care and love them and we are one of there biggest cheerleaders.
Thank you,
Meghan Fincher
A.T. Stewart
I became a CASA because I was convinced God wanted me to help children in the foster system. Did He speak to me in an audible voice? No, He spoke to me through His example in my life. Jesus is my Advocate before God the Father. (1 John 2:1 ) When I was helpless He helped me, when I was defenseless He defended me, when I was spiritually desolate, He became my Savior and Lord. I wanted to follow my Lord’s example and advocate for the helpless and defenseless in our society. Who is more helpless and defenseless and needs my advocacy more than a child whose parental advocate has failed them? A child who finds themselves separated from their family and in a strange system they do not understand? For me being a CASA is much more than fulfilling a much needed service. It is a divine call.
Lise Tassy
To be the voice of the precious vulnerable children in the Foster Care System
Tashema Hector Jackson
“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide whether or not to be reduced by them.” – Charlamagne Tha God See Less
Emily Pierce
“I chose to become a CASA to connect and make a difference in my community. I resonate with the message we stand for, and am proud to work in one of the top programs in the state! I have a few years of experience working with children who have special needs as well as a thorough education in psychology, so this position naturally fit with my interests and experiences. I love playing investigator and deep diving into my cases. I love having a voice in court. I love connecting with children and families and seeing changes in previously dysfunctional homes. If you have ever had an interest in helping children, I strongly recommend checking out our awesome program, or become a CASA in your own county. Becoming a CASA has been one of the most rewarding experiences, and I hope to be a life-long advocate!”
Cherie Mellick
Two years ago, I felt like I had no purpose. My children had grown up and started families of their own and I didn’t know what to do to fill my time or my nest. I began to pray asking the Lord to give me a new purpose and that’s when Rachel called me. Rachel, the recruiter at the time and a dear friend of mine, told me all about the CASA program. Her passion and zeal for the program was contagious and I came into the office to turn in my application. I fell in love with the mission and purpose of the program and found myself going through training just weeks later. I believe that God answered my prayer for purpose by allowing me to be a part of the CASA program. Giving children in foster care a voice and helping change a child’s story for the last two years not only gives me purpose but fills my nest to overflowing.
Jane Johnson
“The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'
Chandra Southern
I just remember years ago as a teenager having to deal with traumas in my life, and it was someone that was a mentor like a Big sister to me that help me get through those trying times. I remember all the positive elements of just hanging out with her.
Years later in adulthood in search for my purpose in life. I realized that I had been delivered from those traumas and I made a conscious decision to give back to others what had been given to me. I became a willing vessel that was now ready to be used by God to make a difference in society.
I know that the things from my past were not about me, it was about being an example and making an impact on the future life of a child”.
Pam L Quantock
My why...to give KIDS A VOICE! LET KIDS KNOW THAT THEY ARE NOT ALONE, Show them Jesus loves and oh how HE SAVES. The kids needs to know that they Matter, and that we have the resources to help them learn, grow and succeed building a new lifestyle...healthy lifestyle! Most of all to show them JESUS LOVE
Tina McCoy
"I became a CASA because I wanted to help foster children in my community. I want to be the voice of a child that often feels they don’t have one. I want to be that one person they can count on to be there for them, to love them unconditionally, to understand them and all their different needs.I felt my investigative background would help me think outside the box. I can’t imagine not being a CASA. It can be difficult at times but the most rewarding too.”
Gayle Anderson Rueve
I love being a CASA! I get the privilege of being a presence in the life of a child. CASA is a resource for adoptive and foster families that brings support and community. I love being a member of this community as we build villages for these children.
CASA is a village that has a provides love and support in times of need. We provide light in a time of darkness as we navigate these difficult times with the child and we get to see their smiles when they get through it!
Grace Mugwaneza
“I chose to become a CASA so I can be the voice of a child who feels like they do not have anyone to listen to them. I also want the children to know that despite any changes that may be going on throughout this process they have me as the one constant and that they can depend on me to have their best interest at heart. I am so grateful for this opportunity and the team of people we work with. It makes me proud to hear the kids talk about wanting to go to college and their futures and it really shows me that we really can make a difference in these kids lives just by being there and fighting for them.”
Becky and Jon Byrd
We have been privileged over the last two years to work with CASA Paulding as a CASAs. We felt that when we started we had something to share with the children we represented but we found that they taught us about their lives and their families. We have advocated for nine children since becoming CASAs and five of the nine have been resolved and the children are either back with their parents or family members. Being CASAs and in the family of CASA's has brought a lot of peace to our lives. We have also worked with four coordinators who are all super!
Heidi Unitas
The time and energy you put into the CASA program you get back 10 fold in thanks and appreciation. However, the true reward comes the very first time that the child you are advocating for first begins to recognize and remember you.
Be a child’s MRP. “Most Recognized Person.